##Getting this error when I try to execute a method that does an API call to the backend. Case in point, the system I am building does authentication via phone number and OTP. After entering the OTP my function makes a network call to authenticate the user. At this point I get this error CORS Preflight Did Not Succeed on my dev console. What could be the problem?


There are various reasons why this type of error will pop up, check them outhere on MDN How to solve it on nuxt js/ vuejs


  • You are making network calls using Axios

Step 1 Install Axios, refer to documentation here

Step 2 Configuring proxy on your nuxt.config.js

// add axios in your modules section
modules: [
// set `proxy` to `true` for axios
axios: {
proxy: true,
// configure your url
proxy: {
"/api/": {
target: `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/`,
pathRewrite: { "^/api/": "" },
changeOrigin: true,

Step 3 Lets now use our proxy

// use it this way for an API that does not take any parameterlet postResponse = await this.$axios.get(`/api/`);// use it this way for an API that **REQUIRES** parameters
let postResponseUrl = `todos/1`;
let postResponse = await this.$axios.get(`/api/${postResponseUrl}`);

This solved the problem and the app now works fine.





Kibiku is a Software Engineer fascinated by all things tech, striving to be a master of best Software Engineering principles and best practices of writing code